Friday, February 4, 2011

my baby

Todays cutest thing in the world is my boyfriend. It is our one year anniversary today and i think this post should be about him. He is asleep right now, but i am sure he will read this later. lol i think he is the cutest thing in the whole universe and he is so incredibly sweet. I love him so much.

Saturday, January 22, 2011

Baby Seals

When asked what the cutest thing in the world was, my sister said baby seals. So, this post is for her favorite cute thing....a baby seal.

Friday, January 21, 2011


Charmander is the cutest of all the pokemon. This is a picture of baby Charmander.


Ok so I want to make these cupcakes SO badly....they are my next big project!


I love bunnies so much! The ultimate cute picture!